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Helen with Owen Devaney - One Year Old






Our ECO Warranty 2006





Pictures of the new plant




The Prime Minister visits the farm after the cyclone.




Picture of Cyclone Larry taken the day after







26 October 2006 New Member of the Devaney family was born "Reagan Devaney" to Dereck and Stacey. 



October 2004 Devaneys sponsored Kimberley in the Harvest Fest where she won Miss Charity 2004


Click to enlarge

News Saturday, 26 November 2011

25th November 2011    Over the last 2 years we have implemented a computerized radio controlled irrigation  and fertigation system for better use and timing of water and fertilizers.  It covers the farm in one night allowing us to irrigate to avoid evaporation.  We updated both of our pumping systems to submersible pumps and updated our filtration system.


03rd February 2011 Cyclone Yasi


Stools rolled out from Cyclone                     Damage to fertigation shed


Damage to shed and office                         Trees were planted as a wildlife corridor
                                                                   blown away by Yasi.




We are proud to be a sponsor of the Babinda and Innisfail Bowls Club



Helen and Owen Devaney








Helen with "Reagan Devaney"  Reagan 13months


Kimberley in the Harvest Fest Parade



18th August 2004


Devaney’s Bananas, has met the environmental standards of the both haacp and iso 14001 a certification program that sets rigorous environmental and working standards on banana farms.

The Project’s guidelines call for farms to curtail use of toxic chemicals, control pollution, conserve soil and water, and protect the health and safety of workers

ISO 14001 is a voluntary Standard and is recognised and accepted in over 170 countries of the world, an internationally recognised standards for certification. 




  On the 15th March we met Mr Domenic Polistina at the Northmead Grower's Market, Sydney.   His shop proudly displays and sells Australian produce, with a huge selection of fresh fruit and vegetables. Also a stockist of Devaney's Bananas pictured here in front of the display of our new "Tuckbox" sized fruit. Which was
introduced into the Market the day we arrived.


For More Information Contact:

Devaney's Bananas
Tel: 61 0740613466
FAX: 61 0740616383
Internet: helen@devaney.com.au

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